What Does The Hermit Card Mean?

Tarot…what are your thoughts on the subject? Are you a believer in the cards? Not everyone is comfortable with tarot. Some are afraid the cards will predict a horrible future, but for me personally, I believe them to be a god sent. I use them as a tool to help me answers some questions deep down inside I already know the answer too. Tarot taps into our subconscious, the cards help us hear and trust our intuition. They guide us to our higher self. At times is their a card that is quiet heavy and dark? Yes, there is. But this card usually comes as a warning to trust ourselves and asks us to look at the bigger picture to see what we need change in our lives or situation to bring more peace and harmony into our lives. It’s not there to scare you or bring grief, but only to guide and help us on our way.

I will get deeper into the tarot in another post and explain it properly, but today I want to talk about The Hermit and what it really means. I’ve had the Hermit card come up a few times recently. I’m not surprised by this as I’ve been feeling a tug at my heart to reevaulate my situation. I’ve felt like I’ve needed to go inward and ask myself some deep questions. To sit alone in silence and listen to what my gut has to say.

  1. ME NOW -

    • FROM RYDER DECK: 3 of wands - Looking ahead, vision, growth. It’s time for me to step through the open door. To take my ideas and move forward.

      • FROM TRANSPARENT DECK: The Devil - My mind is holding me back. It’s time for me to free myself from the chains.


    • FROM RYDER DECK: 7 of wand - I have so many ideas floating around, so many thoughts. It’s ok to leave them and focus in on one thing for now. Those ideas and thoughts will still there. Fight for that one thing I believe in.

      • FROM TRANSPARENT DECK: 8 of Coins - It’s time to master my skill or craft. Work and work and work more to become so skilled. And this will lead me to success. (My question has been this whole time, what is this skill?)


    • FROM RYDER DECK: The Hermit - Well so it seems, my craft has still not revealed itself but by personal growth and exploration I will find my truth. So clearly I still have some introspection to do.

      • FROM TRANSPARENT DECK: 2 of coins - Time management, discipline and prioritisation are key to focus on now. Maybe this could help with honing in on those skills.

  4. THE FUTURE -FROM RDYER DECK: King of Swords -

    • Mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, truth. The future holds great success, truth and living my design as an expert in my field. So clearly allowing myself some time of introspection and deep diving into my intuition will bring me my expertise.

      • FROM TRANSPARENT DECK: 4 of Wands - Represents happiness, celebration, home, a feeling of accomplishment. So it seems the future holds great things: knowledge, craftsmanship, expertise, love, happiness, home and celebration. I’ll take that.

Overall it was a really positive spread and it resonated with me 100%. But I do want to talk about the Hermit card a bit more in detail. I believe this card to be of real importance. When we think of the Hermit, we think of loneliness, darkness, hiding oneself away, but actually it’s not this at all.


When looking at the card you see a tall older man, the sky looks gloomy behind him, and his grey garments are a representation of the great possibilities that exist between black and white. I’m a firm believer that there. is no black and white, but everything is grey.

The Hermit suggests that you are in a phase of introspection where you are drawing your attention inwards and looking for answers within. You are in need of a period of inner reflection, away from the current demands of your position. It’s about looking behind you and seeing all your accomplishments, acknowledging them and taking these experiences with you on your path ahead. Sometimes we’re not sure what the road ahead has in store or where to go. But it’s about following your gut instinct, that gut intuition, trust in yourself to make the right decision when the time comes.


The Hermit shows that you are taking a break from everyday life to draw your energy and attention inward and find the answers you seek, deep within your soul. You realize that your most profound sense of truth and knowledge is within yourself and not in the distractions of the outside world. You leave behind the mundane to set off on a journey of self-discovery, led only by your inner wisdom and guiding light. Now is the perfect time to go on a weekend retreat or sacred pilgrimage, anything in which you can contemplate your motivations, personal values and principles, and get closer to your authentic self.

The Hermit invites you to retreat into your private world and experience a deep sense of seclusion and introspection. You know that you need to take this journey alone or with a small, intimate group of spiritually minded people. When you allow yourself to tune in to your inner, guiding light, you will hear the answers you need and grow wise beyond your years. Find your light, shine it on your soul and create your unique path. You will see what lies ahead of you – not miles upon miles, but enough to know where to step next. From there, take one step at a time.

The Hermit often appears when you are at a pivotal point in your life and considering a new direction. Through meditation, contemplation, and self-examination, you may begin to re-evaluate your personal goals and change your overall course. You will look at your life with a deeper, more spiritual understanding and a few of your priorities will change as a result.

The Hermit also represents the desire to turn away from a consumerist or materialistic society to focus on your inner world. Have you ever seen (or read) Into the Wild? After graduating from university, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness alone. Whilst his story has a tragic ending, his journey into the wild was like that of The Hermit, who seeks answers within and knows they will come only with quiet and solitude.

Finally, The Hermit may appear in your life as a spiritual mentor here to raise your vibration and enhance your consciousness. The beauty of this mentor is that, while he may be an expert in his own right, he will teach you how to find your answers within you.

For those of you looking for answers, I urge you to take some time of solitude and look within. We’ve been taught to look outward for our confirmations, but actually it’s all inside you. Trust your intuition you’ll always be right.

Here’s to introspection.

Kelly xx


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