Episode 06: Carolina Terrazas-Kreuch

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I think it’s probably safe for me to say most of us enjoy flowers. Personally, I love flowers!!!! Growing up there were always fresh flowers on the table and this brought me so much joy. And now I too keep fresh flowers on my table. Flowers represent beauty, peace, growth and life, but have you ever thought about flowers as a form of therapy?

In this week’s episode I speak with Carolina Terraza-Kreuch from Caros Blumen about her flower business, her rituals before preparing flowers for a client, how flowers can be used as a form of therapy and how a flower’s scent can bring calmness. She also guides us through which flowers she suggests you keep in the house and how to care for them. It’s a really fascinating episode. Let’s just say I learned a lot this week.


For more information about Carolina and how to get in touch.

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Episode 07: Freyja Kah


Episode 05: Michaela Leitz