Season 3, Episode 09: Jenny Dalton, Bullying

We've all heard of the kid that was bullied in school or we saw it first hand. Did we do anything about it? Have you thought about how the bullying might have affected this kid and what trauma it might have caused it their life? Why do kids bullying and how does one heal from bullying? Where are the parents and the teachers when this is happening? There are so many questions around this?

This week I chat with Jenny Dalton, author of Of Butterflies and Bullies and founder of The Better Friends Club about her experience as one of those kids that was bullied for just being her. We talk about her personal journey from what is wrong with me, to showing herself absolute kindness to herself and finally accepting herself for the wonderful women she is!

She has a deep passion for working with women to help form better friendships, relationships with themselves and build a better community around them.

Some excellent advice in this episode!!!!!

Buy her book here.

Find out more about The Better Friends Club.



Season 3, Episode 10: Enamor Kitchen, Acceptance


Season 3, Episode 08: Alexandra Wenman, Talking with Angels