Curve Ball
I’m not really sure what is it I want to talk about, but I feel like writing so let’s see what comes out. I’m not an expert in anything so I can’t give you solidified advice, but I can give you my life experience and my thoughts. The thing about change and growth is that it’s not straight forward. Some weeks you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world and other weeks you’ll feel like you’re right back where you started. This week I feel like I am right back where I started. Now I know this isn’t true, I am so far from where I started, I just got kicked back a bit that’s all. Life does this sometimes, it throws us a curve ball. The funny thing is, even though you’ve grown and are more prepared for curve balls than before, you still have no idea how you’re going to react when it does happen. I guess the only thing you can do is work with what you’ve got. Take one day at a time, breath in and out, and think happy thoughts.
Now I’m not saying not to process the curve ball and toss it to one side, no not at all. Dealing with the curve ball is a must, but it may take a little time, that’s all and the only thing you can do is tackle it as best as you can. We all have ways of dealing with things. Some individuals need to talk it out, share it on social media, verbalise all their feelings, some individuals need to work through it themselves, meditate on it or think it through. I’m somewhere in the middle, I need to talk about it but only with people I feel I can trust and will let me just talk, that’s it, no trying to figure out a solution, just allow me to talk. Because most likely I already know the solution or what I need to do next, I just need to get it out so all the thoughts and feelings aren’t stuck in my head.
Some suggestions on how to deal with a curve ball:
A glass of wine
A long walk
A talk with a trusted friend
Listening to your favourite album
Watching a funny movie so you can laugh
It’s also ok to just sit with yourself, be still and feel all the feelings. Doesn’t sound like a lot of fun but I assure you, it will pass and you will feel a whole lot better after you’ve dealt with the curve ball.
Just remember when life throws you shit, it won’t last forever. It too will pass. And if life does throw you a curve ball think about slamming it out of the park. That’s when life gets glorious.
kelly xx