Episode 04: Emily Dyan Ibarra

Oh the power of instagram!!! It has its pros and its cons, but the one thing it does do well is connect people. I can’t tell you how many friends I’ve met through instagram, especially since living in my current city, Frankfurt, Germany. This app has connected me with more people than I imagined. One of these amazing people is Emily Ibarra. She contacted me via instagram. She’s an American too, a very talented photographer and thought we could collaborate on a shoot together. I was like hell yeah! So we met up for a coffee and the rest is history!

Emily and I share a common interest in other worlds, third dimensions, energy, frequencies, tarot, basically anything that has to do with the unknown and spirituality. Emily is always sending me links to great podcasts, websites, etc and keeping me in the know about people I would find interesting. Now Emily’s had her own podcast and is extremely tech savvy so I asked her for help getting my podcast started. She volunteered to record a sample podcast with me to see how it goes. It went so well, I decided to post it.

Emily and I talk about her spiritual upbringing, her interest in aliens, other dimensions and who she’s following at the moment. She’ll be coming on the podcast quite a bit to chat about who’s she had a reading with, what’s she learning and for a bit of a banter.

You can find Emily here.


Episode 05: Michaela Leitz


Episode 03: Farah Liz Pallaro