Episode 11: Jo Love Dixon

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Therapy... We all need it. We are all deserving of it. But why in today’s society is therapy still considered unnecessary, mainly for the privileged and still met with negative connotations? Therapy is for everyone. It’s tool to help you get through life, focus on what really matters and in some cases get you on a track to a healthier you. Therapy gets you out of your head and allows you to talk through your issues, and many times once voiced, the problem seems more manageable.

Unfortunately in many of today’s society therapy is still not considered important, it’s thought of as an aftermath.Iif more resources were available for everyone to have the option of therapy then just maybe our societies would function on a happy level, illnesses would decrease and more communities would maintain a healthier work/life balance. But this needs to start from the top. There needs to be funding, more therapists and more resources.

In this week’s episode I speak with Jo Love Dixon a mental health advocate and author about therapy, the importance of it and how it’s crucial for governments to up their game when it comes mental health.

Jo’s first book Therapy is Magic is available for pre-order now and is available to order via amazon. Check out her website for more information about her work, charity work and mental health support.

Order here book here.

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Episode 12: Sharla Ember


Episode 10: Donna Tweedale