Episode 15: Tajda Glazer
There are times in life where you feel a bit off, like something has shifted but you’re not sure what. You feel like there is something more you are supposed to being doing, but what is it? From the outside everything looks peachy keen, you’ve got the job, the friends, etc, but something in your soul is calling you to do something else. Dearest, you are not alone. Many of us have had this tug, many of us ignored the tug for a long time until it couldn’t be ignored any longer.
So when you have this tug, what do you do? Where do you turn? My suggestion is seeking out a transformational coach or someone you can talk to about what it is that needs to change. Someone that can ask you the right questions to help point you in the right direction.
This week on the podcast I chat with Tajda Glazer a Professional Transformational Coach, who empowers people to take their life, relationships or business to the next level. She helps her clients create a life they really want and step into their leadership so they can create long-lasting changes in their lives.
Tajda studied law then went on to get her Masters Degree in Journalism and worked for a big advertising firm, but she realised she had the tug too, something in her life needed to change so she went on to train as a Mastery Method Coach and Reiki Practitioner and has been coaching individuals and leaders for the past 2 years.
She focuses on individual coaching and facilitates workshops around relationships, leadership and creating long-lasting transformations in your life, and works with people nationally and internationally.
This week we chat about her transformation, why coaching is a good route to take and we dig deep into relationships. Tajda’s wisdom and advice is exactly what we need to hear today.
To learn more about Tajda and to book a session: