Episode 01: The Beginning
Omg here we are!!!! It’s finally happening, my very own podcast. I’ve been a fan of podcasts for a long time and had wanted to start one of my own, but I wasn’t sure what I would talk about. But then one day an idea came to me (more on this in a bit). You see, I’ve been on a very long and winding road. It hasn’t been very straight forward, more like going up a very steep mountain, round and round you go to then find out when you get to the top, you’re not at the top at all, there’s more to the mountain, it’s just been hidden in the clouds. I’m pretty sure many of you know what I’m talking about here.
So here I am with a podcast. Now the question you may be asking, what the hell is The Future Edit and what is it all about? The name first came to me for selling secondhand clothing, which I did for awhile, but I felt that it wasn’t quite right. I didn’t have the drive to sell clothing anymore, so I put the name away and figured an idea would magically fall from the sky at some point. Well folks it did! I was on a long run one morning when all these ideas came rushing in. I was so full of excitement that when I got home I talked my husband’s ear off for who knows how long. After deliberating and researching my original idea I decided to tweak it a bit. I first wanted to interview young artists and give new emerging artists a platform to talk about their work, but I knew this wouldn’t hold my attention long enough. I love art, I am a creative myself, a very lost creative, but a creative, but I knew the idea wasn’t quite right.
You see I’ve been on a journey, a journey to my very own self-discovery. I’ve had some tough patches in my life, but I always found my way out of the dark hole, but this last time was different. I felt so lost, blocked, uninspired, I couldn’t visualise anymore and getting out of bed in the mornings was torture. I knew I needed to get out of the black hole I was in, but I honestly had no idea how. Who do I talk to, where do I start looking for help, what kind of help do I need, will anyone actually get through to me? I finally made myself an appointment to see my GP so I could get a referral to a therapist, but I knew finding an English speaking therapist in Frankfurt, Germany where I’m currently living wasn’t going to be easy. So while researching for a therapist I decided to reach out to my instagram community for help.
I’m a big fan of tarot card readings and have had a few before. It usually helped get me out of a rut and gave some kind of insight to move forward. So I asked if anyone could recommend a good tarot reader. I received a few recommendations and decided to try a few out. I went to two different women actually. The first woman I went to told me that my life was going to go in a completely direction and that the industry I was currently in (fashion) was not my thing anymore. I left that call feeling more depleted than when I went into it. So I decided to test her reading and go with another woman that was recommended to me as well. Well, guess what, she said the same thing that the previous woman had said, but went into even more detail.
Basically it was time to unfuck myself, go inward, do some really hard work and finally get to know the person I am meant to be. The path I was walking down and had been walking down is no longer for me. I was moving on. This was a very pivotal moment in my life, this was the beginning of my awakening.
This awakening opened my eyes to all sorts of questions, curiosities, self-healing methods, spirituality and so much more. That’s when it hit me, if I was feeling lost and had no idea where to start, I’m sure there were so many others out there in need of some guidance as to where to start and information about what’s even out there. Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all, and therapy is not for everyone. So what is out there, how can one get the help they need? This is when The Future Edit was born, a podcast about editing the future you. A 360-view of what’s out there in terms of therapy, self-healing and spirituality practices. I thought to myself maybe someone wants to learn more about meditation, or learn about dance movement therapy, or book a tarot card reading or have their birth chart read or learn about human design or maybe someone just needs to hear someone else’s story.
In these episodes I have conversations with experts in their particular field as well as with individuals about their journeys and what’s worked for them. I hope this podcast educates you, inspires you and helps you find your way.
here’s to a happier and healthier you.
kelly xx