Season 3, Episode 01: Kelly Ekardt, Welcome Back
Welcome back!!!! We finally made it to Season 3. It’s been a long time coming but sometimes you just have to go with the flow and let the universe do it’s thing. As with the two previous seasons, I am very very proud of season 3. This season’s guests are just so full of wisdom. I am a firm believer that we all can learn from other people’s experiences. They can guide us or inspire us.
I’m going to kick of the season sharing a bit of my own personal story. Of course, this is just a small part of who I am, but I feel it important for you to get to know me a bit more. I believe through my personal story I can teach you something as well and hopefully inspire you to tell your own story. Read all about my story here.
Thanks again for all your support and here’s to a wonderful season 3.
Happy listening.