Season 3, Episode 07: Seipp Coaching, Time and Energy Management
Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night worrying about the next day, the should, the musts, the have to dos, the just so busy thoughts? We have all been there. I don’t know about you but I grew up in a society where the longer you work, the more productive you are, but we all know this is bullshit. How many of you have stayed at work just to make your boss happy, you sit there looking busy, but honestly you finished your work hours ago.
There is a no one size fits all when it comes to our work or our time management. Some of us work best at night, some of us are early birds. The most important thing is to figure out for yourself what works best for you.
If you’re into Human Design and know your design, you probably have adjusted your working schedule to suit you better. For instance, Projectors are meant to only work 4 hours at a time. My husband is a projector and this is so true for him. He’ll work for a few hours and then he must take a break, whether it’s going for a run or taking a 20 minute nap, but he has to give his brain some time to rest or his productivity goes straight out the window. Want to learn more about Human Design? Check out my chat with Maike Gabrielle here.
Society has made us think we have to be busy all the time in order to be productive. Society has taught us that we have to say yes to everything so we don’t miss out, but this is absolutely not true. It’s important to take the time to understand yourself, to understand how you work best, to understand where you spend your energy and to observe your thoughts.
In this week’s episode I chat with Verena, Life and Wellness Coach from Seipp Coaching about how to slow down and breath and how to protect our precious energy. The importance of being kind to yourself and taking life one day and a time. She too was a part of the rat race and then one day finally listened to what her body was telling her, to slow down. It’s ok to not work all the time, it’s ok to take time out, it’s ok to breath and sit and listening to what our intuition is telling us.
Verena share tips on how to slow down, how to observe your thoughts and how to protect your energy in this busy busy world. Have a listen! If you’re in need of some guidance or would like to chat with Verena on how she can help you. Get in contact!