Season 2, Episode 02: Julius Ekardt - Men and Mental Health

You hear a lot about women and mental health, but what about men? Are they talking about their feelings, their daily stress or what they have going on inside their head? For most of us women, ok not all, but most, find it easy to talk about their feelings in depth, on repeat. We can talk about almost anything very openly, it’s in our nature. Now don’t get me wrong here, there are loads of men that aren’t afraid to share their feelings, but this is rare. Most men are afraid to let their guard down in fear of being exposed, not being tough enough or not having their shit together. But what we are learning especially today, it’s important to be vulnerable, trust others with other secrets or even stresses and allow someone else to hear us, hold space for us and let us have a moment of getting it all out.

In this week’s episode, my husband, Julius and I talk about the stresses he deals with as a man on a daily basis; trying to be a good father, son, husband and working a full time job. We go in depth about his daily stresses, his personal view on men and mental health and how he manages his stress. He gives tips on what works for him and how women can support the men in their life and help reveal some of the stresses.

It’s a good episode!

Find Julius on instagram here.


Season 2,Episode 03: Verena Seipp- Connection


Season 2, Episode 01: Kelly Ekardt - Let’s Recap and Welcome