Season 2, Episode 05: Kelly Ekardt, Spiritual One-to-Ones
Spiritual one-to-ones, what are they and why are they potentially beneficial to you? Spiritual one-to-ones are guided sessions either through tarot, energy healing, birth chart reading, psychic readings, angel healing, spirit guide meditations, etc. These guided sessions are there to open up your heart and mind, to help you dive deeper into your intuition and guiding you to your true self. These sessions are not scary or evil or weird. They are there to help you reconnect to yourself. We have everything we need inside us, sometimes we forget to trust ourselves and these sessions can help you find your trust again or whatever it is you need reminding of.
Because I am a very curious individual I have deep dived into the spiritual realm looking for answers. What I have learned over the last few years is I have all the answers are inside of me, but I needed some guidance to truly believe this. I had ignored my true self for so long in order to keep peace with the outside world. I was so conditioned to believe a certain way, want certain things and be a certain way which were not aligned with me whatsoever.
Through my curiosity I found new things to try, tarot card reading with Colette Moran, soul purpose reading with girl on her moon, psychic reading with Nymph of Neptune, birth chart reading with Kah Haus, energy and frequency healing with Sharla Ember, Family Lineage healing with Stephaine Wegmann, Past Lives healing with Alexandra Wenman and spirit guide mediation with Julie Mosemuller and Tamara Driessan. All these sessions brought me closer to myself, helped realise my full potential and that I have everything I need inside of me. These sessions aren’t there to tell you the future, they are there to help you connect with your higher self. We as humans have free will and can choose our own path in life, but we have spiritual helpers there to guide us. It’s whether or not we want to tune in and let them guide us.
In this episode I talk about my experience with all these sessions and how they have personally helped me. In every session there is a running theme, tune in to yourself Kelly, you are more powerful then you think, change your mindset and be ready for expansion, lots of expansion, you are a healer, a communicator and you provide a community for people.
I hope my experiences will help guide you to the right session for you. It’s all about finding what works for you. But don’t be afraid to open your heart and mind, to be curious and let the universe fill you with love, joy, peace and intuition.
GIRL AND HER MOON - soul purpose reading, tarot, birth charts and membership community
NYMPH OF NEPTUNE - astrology readings, psychic readings and tarot, coaching and membership community
ALEXANDER WENMAN - spiritual healing, angel healing and readings, psychic readings, energy healing
HEALING TIME COUNSELLING (COLETTE MORAN)- tarot readings and counselling
KAH HAUS - birth chart readings, tarot and reiki
STEPHANIE WEGMANN - family linage healing, energy healing, spirit guide guidance
TAMARA DREISSEN - tarot, crystal healing, workshops
JULIE MOSEMULLER (MAITREE COACHING) - moon cycles, spiritual coaching, woman groups