Season 2, Episode 10: Kim Gerlach, Sustainable Fashion, Spirituality, and Scents
What do sustainable fashion, spirituality and scents have in common? There is no right or wrong answer here, but I would say they all help you to express your true self or help you to explore and find your true, higher self. Fashion hasn’t always been associated with spirituality, but recently I am finding more and more high profile fashion editors, designers and influencers turning away from the so-called fashion life and incorporating more spirituality in their every day and some even walking away from fashion completely to discover the world inside themselves. But I still believe you can combine fashion and spirituality together. Many of us express ourselves through our clothing, well I do, but I came to a point in my life where I found fashion boring, shallow and realised it wasn't bringing me joy like it used to. So I went on( or shall I say still am), spiritual journey to find my purpose, my soul’s calling, my true self and while doing this I’ve become more confident in the person I am, so this reflects in my style as well. I’ve also realised my awareness to the brands I choose, the materials. I. wear and how I represent myself to the world. I no longer need to fill the gap in my heart with useless cheap clothing items. I am now more conscientious of my buying choices.
This week on the podcast I chat with fashion sustainable expert, Kim Gerlach from Sun and Rise about her spiritual journey and how she’s incorporating more spiritual rituals into her daily life. We talk about her current projects including her Reflection stickers that help with journal prompting, asking the right questions to help you with your journal journey and her scent workshops. Let’s just say I had no idea the power of scents. Listen and learn!!!!
Find out more about Kim:
| instagram | sun and rise| reflections | scent workshops | private perfume sessions